Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Who is Hotter on Supernatural

I think given the name alone you cannot make a supernatural hot people week, without the boys from Supernatural. I do not watch the show so I cannot give descriptions about the boys, but I do know they are two brothers who go around the country chasing and getting rid of supernatural enemies. Enjoy. :)

Dean Winchester-

Sam Winchester-


  1. They're both pretty hot, but I think the scales are tipped a little in Dean's favor as far as I'm concerned.

    Also, for those who DO watch the show, I can never hear anything about this show without thinking "PUDDING!" I hope someone understands that and is entertained. :D

  2. TWO THUMBS WAY WAY UP!! Very enthusiastic family fun hahaha number one yeah baby!!!

  3. I am surprised you both picked Dean. I am usually the blonde lover, but Sam is so so so fine!!!! Of course I have carried a torch for Jared Padaleki for years. :)

  4. Jared Padalecki is one FINE boy tis true but I can't help but love Dean, I'm a bad boy kinda girl and Jensen Ackles is just so hot

  5. Jensen Ackles. Definitely. Jared is cute. but he has too much of a baby face!

  6. So, this was posted before I had watched all of the show, I'd only seen episodes here and there, and now having watched the show, I had to add a comment.

    DEAN WINCHESTER IS FREAKING AMAZING. Besides, I can have my pick of Future!Dean or Leviathan!Dean, etc. And as much as I love Sam (especially Soulless!Sam) Dean wins.

    Yay Jensen Ackles.

    The end.


Who do you find more SEXY?